Moving into Autumn with Traditional Chinese Medicine

Moving into Autumn with Traditional Chinese Medicine

Moving into Autumn with Traditional Chinese Medicine Megan Odell – TCM and Acupuncture Lead It is 29 degrees as I type these words, stifling and humid, but I see it is forecast to rapidly drop to 19 within days. Some coffee chains have already started pushing their...
New Recipe! Kale and Fig Salad

New Recipe! Kale and Fig Salad

Kale is one of the most nutrient-dense foods you can eat – it is up there as one of the top superfoods!   It contains the following in approx 70 grams (DV = Daily Value): Vitamin A: 206% of the DV (from beta-carotene) Vitamin K: 684% of the DV Vitamin C: 134% of...
Water Kefir

Water Kefir

NCIM have teamed up with Freshly Fermented to help us support our gut health moving into winter. Check out our water kefir recipe which makes a very low-sugar, sparkling drink, bursting with probiotics – a great alternative to the sugar and sweetener-laden soft...
Support Your Gut Health

Support Your Gut Health

Support Your Gut Health Have a look at our new Recipe Cards, put together by our new Nutrition for Wellbeing Lead Saba James – all about supporting our gut health and immunity – so important in current times and as we move into the cooler weather! Do let us know via...