What is Integrative Medicine?

What is Integrative Medicine?

    What is Integrative Medicine? It has to be one of the questions I am asked the most from those outside our field of work…. What does integrative medicine mean? Sometimes I think the biggest barrier to making integrative medicine more accessible is a lack of...
The Planetary Parade

The Planetary Parade

    The Planetary Parade It’s been exciting in the month of February to be able to witness the planetary parade. Because of the lack of moon and the way the planets have aligned with the sun, very few of us were able to see all seven planets, but even to be able...
Love and Connection

Love and Connection

Love and Connection Love, connectedness, and a sense of community are fundamental to human well-being and something we tend to take for granted. In terms of health, I have often spoke about the deep influence that social connection can have on both mental and physical...