
Integrative Clinical Team

Dr Elizabeth Thompson

Integrative Medicine Doctor

Dr Duncan Still

Integrative Medicine Doctor

Kiriaki Marselou

Integrative Pharmacist & Nutrition Advisor

Dr Emi Maruo

Integrative Medicine Doctor

Dr Roger Smith

Integrative Medicine Doctor

Dr Nikki Chatfield

Clinical Hypnotherapist

Dr Asim Vine

Integrative Medicine Doctor

Bárbara Pereira

Therapeutic Coach

Anna Thomson

Nutritional Therapist

Audrey Dickinson

Nutritional Therapist

Claire Cohen

Nutritional Therapist

Lillian Klein

Nutritional Therapist

Chris Barker

Mindfulness Practitioner

Education Team

Dr Elizabeth Thompson

Academic Director

Dr Vivien Rolfe

Academic Co-Director

Dr Alastair Gray

Director of Online Learning

Megan Odell

Modular Lead - Diploma in Integrative Healthcare

Dr Duncan Still

Modular Lead - Diploma in Integrative Healthcare

Dr Sally Moorcroft

Modular Lead - Diploma in Integrative Healthcare

Dr Nikki Chatfield

Modular Lead - Diploma in Integrative Healthcare

Kiriaki Marselou

Modular Lead - Diploma in Integrative Healthcare

Dr Samantha Jugdev

Education Lead (Dentist) - PHCE / MFHom

Core Team (office)

Dr Elizabeth Thompson

Chief Executive

Chantal Enders

Business Development and Operations Manager

Jo Ballantine

Finance Manager

Jo Grant

Grant Manager

Emma Greenhow

Clinical Services Manager

Becca Irwin

Clinical Services and Operations Support Administrator

Rosalind Eunson

Academic Administrator

Claire Devas

Academic Administrator - Homeopathy

Louise Cullen

Digital Marketing and Communications Manager

Samuel Hughes

IT Manager