Study the Diploma in Integrative Healthcare with us

Proudly accredited by Crossfields Institute

Invest in your career with our Diploma in Integrative Healthcare

Enrol by 07 April 2025, and save 30% on the first year!

Take the next step in your professional journey with our comprehensive Diploma in Integrative Healthcare.

NCIM’s accredited Diploma in Integrative Healthcare is a world class blended learning qualification that combines clinical, business and leadership elements into a two-year programme (120 credits), with the option to progress into the third year of the Extended Diploma in Integrative Healthcare, a research-led qualification (180 credits).

Designed for healthcare providers, this master’s Level 7 accredited Diploma will broaden your knowledge and understanding of Integrative Medicine and build your confidence to work and flourish in this growing field of healthcare.

Studying our Diploma will transform your practice, by supporting you to:

  • Connect to your purpose and values
  • Strengthen your leadership skills
  • Talk confidently about Integrative Medicine
  • Fire up your job satisfaction
  • Fine tune your skills in holistic assessment
  • Discover a wider range of therapeutic interventions
  • Develop a critical and enquiring approach
  • Build personal and professional resilience
  • Widen your professional network

Limited time Offer:

Save 30%

Enrol before 07 April 2025, and receive a 30% discount on the first year, or both years if you pay in full!

What you’ll learn when you study the Diploma with us:

Module 1

The Modern Context of Integrative Medicine (IM): Philosophy, History and Changing Times in Medicine (100 hours)

Module 2

IM Approaches and Management of Conditions 1 (300 hours)

Module 3

Holistic Assessment: The Therapeutic Relationship, Motivational Interviewing and Clinical Decision Making in IM (100 hours)

Module 4

Critical Appraisal of Medicine and IM Research (100 hours)

Module 5

Holistic Assessment: Social Prescribing, and a Community Approach in IM (100 hours)

Module 6

Managing dynamic IM Practice (100 hours)

Module 7

IM Approaches and Management of Conditions 2 (300 hours)

Module 8

Independent Study on Innovation in Integrative Medicine (100 hours)


Hear from some of our Graduates

Dr Asim Vine
Class of 2022
GP, Cardiff

“The early years of my career started in Pakistan. Since then I’ve experienced healthcare in several different countries and in varying capacities during my medical training and in the formative years. I worked in the Republic of Ireland for a year and a half, Australia for several months and have interned in the United States and New Zealand”…

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“After completing my training as a GP in the UK I quickly realize that I wasn’t able to help many of the patients I had with their chronic problems so I looked to broaden my understanding of health. This is when the opportunity of studying with NCIM came up, the idea of merging my knowledge of convention medicine with evidence-based alternatives and lifestyle advice sounded like the perfect marriage of my cumulative knowledge and life experience with new ways of helping people to improve their health. I’m delighted to have completed the two-year-old diploma and I’m looking forward to establishing my own practice to offer better help and advice.”

Marisa Cruz
Class of 2022
Nuclear Medicine Technologist, Nutritional Therapist, London

“As a healthcare professional working in a busy city hospital, I started noticing how little we care about lifestyle, nutrition, sustainability, emotions and mental health. This made me start seeking other paths for my career and I became a Nutritional Therapist. I did not know this would be the beginning of my journey in Integrative Medicine/ Healthcare”…

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“The NCIM IH Diploma gave me a wider scope about health, introduced me to new therapeutic approaches that can be applied to different health conditions alongside conventional protocols or working in disease prevention. This Diploma developed my sense of criticism on scientific articles and systematic reviews, feeling even more empowered to work on evidence based solutions in my clinical practice. Not only applied on food and supplements, but also working with patients holistically encouraging them as a whole and not treating them as an isolated condition.

Study at NCIM also provided me an excellent knowledge of other CAM therapies, allowing me to work together with other practitioners and supporting my own patients, as well being able to suggest other therapies as a complement to functional nutrition. I consider the Diploma essential to bringing back the human skills that have been lost in the practice of medicine throughout the years due to all the ongoing pressures the healthcare system is suffering. All the subjects explored during the Diploma encouraged us to see the person as a whole and to encounter the correct balance between science and nature. The community that comes with this Diplomas is also very valuable.”

Pauline Cox
Class of 2022
Functional Nutritionist, Author, Co-founder Sow & Arrow, Clevedon

“The bursary awarded to support me as a Nutritional Therapist onto this diploma has been invaluable. It allowed me to access this training at a time when my businesses was struggling to recover post-pandemic. The diploma was hugely rewarding, helping me to gain access to a broad perspective in integrative healthcare and most certainly helped me in my task of writing and getting my book published with a major publishing house”…

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“Since gaining my diploma, I have benefited greatly from the knowledge, experience and support of the NCIM and my training. Without the bursary, it is unlikely I would have been able to fund the diploma, with children and a family business to run, the financial pressures would have been to much.”

Meet the Faculty

Dr Elizabeth Thompson

Academic Director

Dr Vivien Rolfe

Academic Co-Director

Dr Alastair Gray

Director of Online Learning

Megan Odell

Modular Lead - Diploma in Integrative Healthcare

Dr Duncan Still

Modular Lead - Diploma in Integrative Healthcare

Dr Sally Moorcroft

Modular Lead - Diploma in Integrative Healthcare

Dr Nikki Chatfield

Modular Lead - Diploma in Integrative Healthcare

Kiriaki Marselou

Modular Lead - Diploma in Integrative Healthcare

Diploma Tuition Fees

Enrolment fee: £250 (non-refundable)

Annual Diploma fee: £6,000
(£12,000 for two years)

Limited-time 30% off until 07 April 2025:

Year 1: £4,200

Year 1 & 2 when paid in full: £8,400


Each year NCIM aims to make a few bursaries available to help support students in their learning journey.

The deadline for bursary applications is usually early summer before the academic year starts in September.

To enquire about bursaries please email our Education Programme Co-ordinator:


Frequently Asked Questions

Am I eligible to apply for the Diploma?

We welcome a wide variety of healthcare practitioners and professionals onto the Diploma course each year. Applicants need to demonstrate that they fulfil the following entry requirements relating to the professional background, prior level of study and English language skills.

  1. Professional Background

Admission will be considered if:

  1. a) the candidate is registered with a professional body that regulates doctors, nurses, and surgeons (i.e. GMC or GNC) within the last 5 years prior to joining the Diploma.


  1. b) the candidate is a Complementary Medicine (CM) practitioner, Social Prescriber, Health Coach, or Nutritionist, who is a member of a professional association in their field of provision, has a commitment to working within an IM model and has two years of clinical practice in their chosen CM field.


  1. c) the candidate is enrolled as a learner onto a course to qualify as a healthcare professional (doctor, nurse, surgeon etc) or is training in one of the professions in part ‘b’. Ideally the learner would be near the end of their study and demonstrate commitment to practicing in their chosen field and working with an IM model.
  2. d) Candidates with a background in integrative healthcare or health and wellbeing business who wish to gain an insight into IM and healthcare systems to develop future healing and healthcare innovations.


  1. e) Candidates who are researchers within an IM clinical team or professional IM organisation and wish to gain an insight into IM and healthcare contexts and evidence-base.
  2. Prior level of study

Applicants should have a good understanding of how the human body works, through studying a relevant subject at Bachelor’s level (level 6 of academic study) or above. This is also so you have a grounding in academic practices for example writing and using medical evidence.

  1. English Language

 If English is not your first language you require evidence of a level of written and spoken English at IELTS 6.0 or equivalent. Candidates should note that all learning resources, discussions and assessment are in English.

What topics will I study on the Diploma ?

There are eight modules that make up the Diploma:

  1. Philosophy, history and changing times in medicine (100 hours)
  2. IM approaches and management of conditions (1) (300 hours)
  3. Holistic assessment: the therapeutic relationship, motivational interviewing & clinical decision making in integrative medicine (100 hours)
  4. Critical appraisal of medicine and IM research (100 hours)
  5. Holistic management: social prescribing, a community approach in integrative medicine (100 hours)
  6. Managing a dynamic IM practice and developing leadership skills (100 hours)
  7. IM approaches and management of conditions (2) (300 hours)
  8. Independent study on innovation in Integrative Medicine (100 hours)


For a full description of each module, please see the prospectus (linked at the top of the page).

How is the learning programme structured?

The Diploma is designed to be undertaken part-time and delivered via a blended learning platform.

  • Three 3-day, online or face-to-face intensives are timetabled each year of the two-year Diploma (September/ February/May). These are a vital part of the course, which learners must attend and comprise two teaching days and one day Integrative Healthcare Forum (lectures and interactive workshops with experts in the field of Integrative Medicine offering an opportunity to network with other conventional, lifestyle and CAM practitioners)
  • Weekly (term time) evening online tutorials with experts in the field of Integrative Medicine
  • Regular assignments to deepen knowledge through further study
  • In Year 2 learners will have the opportunity to sit in IM practices to gain clinical experience of this emerging field of work
  • Please note this Master’s Level Diploma requires up to 10 hours of home study, using the LMS, studying relevant scientific papers and IM textbooks
  • Learners will also be encouraged to take advantage of a range of IM related CPD events throughout the academic year
  • Learners will have access to the online Learning Management System (LMS)

For a full description of the course architecture and assessment model please download the Diploma Prospectus – linked above at the top of the page.

Where and when are the 'Intensives'?

The three-day Intensives will be delivered online via Zoom on the following dates, including the opportunity to meet in person for at least one Intensive per year:


  • 21, 22 (IHF) and 23 September 2023 (online)
  • 22, 23 (IHF) and 24  February 2024 (online)
  • 9, 10 (IHF) and 11 May 2024 (in-person and online)


  • 10, 11 (IHF), 12 October 2024 (in-person and online)
  • 20, 21 (IHF), 22 February 2025 (online)
  • 15, 16 (IHF), 17 May 2025 (in-person and online)

Please email if you have any specific questions about the online delivery of the Diploma.

What is the learning environment like?

We aim to provide a learning environment that inspires collaboration, dialogue and appropriate social responsibility.

Learners should find a welcoming space that honours their individuality and their truggles yet still encourages personal and collective responsibility. 

Our conviction is that learning experiences can be gained in many different forms and in a range of environments, including virtual learning forums, and is not limited to lecture halls, seminar rooms or classrooms.

NCIM has designed the Diploma to provide a supportive learning environment and our Education Team works hard to support your needs during the course.

You will meet and learn from a wide network of Integrative Medicine specialists and build a supportive community of peers within your year group.

Additional Support

Learners who experience study or learning difficulties may require additional support to successfully complete their subjects. Tutors will provide additional learning support in such circumstances, and tutoring assistance can be accessed through the Academic Team who will arrange appropriate support.

Will I be qualified in Functional Medicine?


>> Will I be qualified in functional medicine once I’ve completed the Diploma in Integrative Healthcare? <<

NCIM’s Diploma in Integrative Healthcare broadens your knowledge of Integrative Medicine and how to integrate this into your daily practice. It also provides a platform for you to interact with many elites within the medical fields, build connections and allow you to potentially set up your own practice.

It offers you the certification of a diploma, and although it does not qualify you to become an Integrative Medicine doctor or give you a qualification in a particular modality of Integrative Medicine, for example Functional Medicine, it will allow you to use a wide range of Integrative Healthcare knowledge in your daily practice.

Functional Medicine is one of many different modalities of healthcare that comes under the umbrella term ‘Integrative Healthcare/Medicine’. Functional Medicine gives you excellent tools for consultation and enquiry and brings a focus to the biochemical / biomechanical. It is a specific approach to health and wellbeing that uses testing and supplementation.

Integrative Medicine as a model of healthcare is prepared to seek solutions from a wider array of interventions, perhaps even in combination with each other – such as acupuncture, green care, herbal medicine, yoga, ayurveda, massage. It’s truly holistic in its appreciation of the patient and looks at the whole person to determine what will help them to feel well again.

The course includes an introduction to Functional Medicine but does not give you a qualification in it. Some of our learners already have a background in Functional Medicine and are looking for the wider model of healthcare that Integrative Medicine offers. It gives them and their clients deeper appreciation of human health and wellbeing and more a creative and personalised responses to the issues at hand.

The Prospectus gives you much more detail on the full content of the Diploma – see link at top of the page.

How can I use the Diploma in day to day practice?


>>As a GP, how can I use my Diploma  in Integrative Healthcare in my day to day practice? What if Integrative Medicine still feels taboo within the NHS and I’m not allowed to recommend anything beyond NICE guidelines?<<


Our core tutor group includes GPs and the best answer of course comes from one of the Core Education Team:

“As a GP, it can sometimes feel as if you’re not allowed to recommend anything beyond NICE Guidelines. However, in my practice as a GP I find that I’m able to safely include plenty of Integrative approaches, for example lifestyle interventions: dietary advice which is far more in-depth than the Eatwell Plate; physical activity advice tailored to the needs of the patient and going well beyond the simple NICE recommendations; stress-management advice including a wide-range of interventions including but not limited to breathwork, hypnosis, Creativity-based interventions…and so on.

“I also make frequent mention of the benefits of and safe ways of using: meditation/mindfulness advice/awareness, nature-based interventions, acupuncture, various kinds of bodywork, or herbal remedies.

“I also feel much more comfortable giving people advice on how they might make sure that the approaches that they’re seeking, which may lie well beyond the scope of orthodox western medicine, can be as helpful to them as possible and what risks to be aware of and how to minimise those risks.

“The most typical questions from patients arise regarding Eastern Complementary Approaches (eg Ayurveda, Traditional Chinese Medicine, yoga) and Complementary Western Approaches (eg Homeopathy, Naturopathy, Western Herbal Medicine, Functional Medicine).

“I have learnt how to incorporate this kind of material into my standard NHS GP sessions – not every consultation but certainly a little bit in every day.”

Who are the core tutors and support team?

The team that has developed the diploma includes experts from the fields of mainstream and complementary medicine, as well as those with educational and academic expertise.

The NCIM Education Team delivers this course with a range of interventions from associate tutors, each specialists in different conventional, lifestyle and holistic healthcare practices.

Diploma Core Education Team:

Dr Elizabeth Thompson
Dr Vivien Rolfe
Dr Alastair Gray
Dr Duncan Still
Megan Odell
Dr Sally Moorcroft
Kiriaki Marselou
Dr Nikki Chatfield

Bridget Collingwood (Education Programme Co-ordinator)

Click here to see the NCIM Clinical, Education, and Core teams and read their biographies

How much does the Diploma cost?

2024 Diploma Fees

Enrolment fee: £250 (non-refundable)

Annual Diploma fee: £6,000
(£12,000 for two years)


Each year NCIM aims to make a few bursaries available to help support students in their learning journey.

The deadline for bursary applications is usually early summer before the Academic Year starts in September.

To enquire about bursaries please email our Education Programme Co-ordinator:

How do I apply to do the Diploma?

Applications for the Diploma are welcome at any time throughout the academic year which starts in September. The timing of your application will determine which year’s cohort you will be considered for.

To register your interest, enquire about bursaries or apply for the Diploma, please email our Education Programme Co-ordinator:

Once you’ve submitted and application form we’ll contact you to arrange a telephone/Zoom meeting with one of our Core Tutors to discuss your application and review the suitability of the course for you.

For general queries, please use the online form below.

Not ready to study the full Diploma yet?


We recently launched single modules that you can study at your own pace, get in touch to find out more.


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If you prefer to talk to us, call us on 0117 370 1875

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