Elderberry Syrup


Great immune boost for Autumn/Winter!

  • 6 cups of fresh elderberries (or three cups of dried berries)
  • 6 cups of (filtered) water
  • 2 1/2 cups of (raw) honey

Some of all of the below:

  • Ginger – fresh or dried, immune boost
  • Cinnamon Stick – another immune booster and great flavour
  • Whole Cloves – adds flavour and packed full of antioxidants
  • Echinacea Root – extra boost to the immune system, but not to everyone’s taste
  • Rose Hips – dried or foraged fresh in the autumn, high in vitamin C
  • Lemon – fresh lemon juice and/or lemon zest can be added for flavour and to boost vitamin C


  • Forage for fresh elderberries
  • Freeze the stems and then remove easily by hand or with a fork (this is the quickest and easiest way) – avoid adding stalks and green berries that are unripe
  • Add berries and filtered water to a pan and boil over medium heat, then lower the heat and simmer uncovered for about one hour, or until reduced by nearly half
  • Then remove from heat and let cool until it is still warm enough to dissolve honey
  • Strain elderberries, press berries through the sieve, and remove cinnamon, etc.
  • Add honey (raw if possible) or another sweetener of your choice – adjust to your taste
  • Transfer to a sterilized jar and refrigerate (usually up to 6 months but please check as sugar syrups tend to keep longer)

Elderberry syrup could then be added to teas, turned into popsicles, or added to desserts (for example poured over ice cream) – share your ideas with us!

    We can help you learn simple, easy to implement nutritional changes to support your health and wellbeing. Book an appointment with one of our Nutritional Therapists by emailing enquiries@ncim.org.uk or calling 0117 370 1875.