Kombu Dashi (cold brewed)


Kombu (Dried seaweed kelp) is a very common ingredient in Japanese cuisine and is easily purchased online. Kombu is rich in *Iodine, Magnesium and Vitamins like vitamin C, A, vitamin K, B5,etc. Kombu contains Glutamic acid which gives it the Umami taste, can break down the carbohydrates in beans which helps to prevent bloating. (*NB People with thyroid conditions should avoid taking excessive amounts of seaweed.).

  • Kombu 10g
  • Water 1 litre

Kombu Storage Tips

  • If the Kombu is dried, store it in an airtight container in a dark area.
  • The Kombu has an indefinite shelf life if appropriately made and stored well.




1. Firstly, wash the Kombu sheet with a damp cloth. Don’t wash Kombu under water. Ensure you do not wash off the excess white mould as it is full of umami which gives flavour.

2. Put the Kombu and water in a large jug or bottle. Let it refrigerate overnight.

3. Now the Kombu Dashi is ready. Remove kombu sheet from the water.

That’s it! The Dashi is now prepared. You can use Dashi in soups or any other dishes instead of stock. I use Kombu Dashi to cook rice and a noodle broth. You can store Dashi for 1-2 weeks in the fridge.

    Recipe by Dr Emi Maruo, Integrative Medicine Doctor at NCIM.

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