Dr Chatterjee’s Chakra Fruit Salad


    • blueberries
    • kiwis
    • bananas
    • oranges
    • strawberries or raspberries
    • tahini
    • almond butter (or other nut butter)
    • pumpkin seeds
    • sunflower seeds
    • orange blossom or rose water


    Based on Ayurvedic principles, please prepare the fruit at room temperature, try not to mix it with yoghurt (not thought to be good for digestion) and do buy organic if you can. Be prepared and freeze some fresh berries for the winter months!

    Different coloured fruit correlates with each chakra level or energy centre in the body

    • Blueberries, for cognition representing the crown and throat chakra
    • Green Kiwi for cardiovascular health, the heart chakra
    • Yellow bananas for your digestive health and solar plexus
    • Oranges for reproductive health and the sacral chakra
    • Red immune boosting strawberries and raspberries for the root chakra
    • Chop fruit into small pieces
    • Sprinkle with pumpkin and sunflower seeds
    • Drizzle over a spoon of tahini and almond butter (or any other nut butter)
    • For an added treat splash a teaspoon of orange blossom or rose water on your fruit – or elderflower cordial if you prefer!


    We can help you learn simple, easy to implement nutritional changes to support your health and wellbeing. Book an appointment with one of our Nutritional Therapists by emailing enquiries@ncim.org.uk or calling 0117 370 1875.