Menopause – An Ayurvedic Perspective

Framing this phase of life in wisdom and connection to self

Today is World Menopause Day and it has been wonderful to see so much more information and choice of support being offered as well as many more conversations happening at home, in the workplace and with healthcare professionals over the last couple of years.

There is already so much great information available about what to expect with the Menopause as well as how to mitigate and manage the physical, mental and emotional changes.

An Ayurvedic perspective on Menopause is something that you might also find interesting.

Menopause is acknowledged as a natural transition into the ‘next stage’ of life that brings metabolical changes that affect both mind and body. However, in the West there tends to be a sense of wanting to stave off old age and remain ‘slim’, whereas in Ayurveda, transitioning into the next phase of life and changes to your body are celebrated.

Ayurveda suggests that someone going through the Menopause may experience a prevalent drive and yearning to simplify and to connect. It asks, “what feeds your vitality and harmony?” and, “how can you offer and give expression to who you are?”. Ayurveda offers that there are endless ways in which you can express yourself creatively when you connect to your heart and strengthen the relationship you have with yourself.

Menopause is seen as a time to re-evaluate your life on all levels, especially when it comes to identity. Tuning in and listening to your inner voice will lead to happiness and wisdom. Ayurveda encourages the ‘dreaming of your heart’ and recognises this period as a time to ‘peel off the layers’. In other words, listen to your heart and listen to your soul! It’s a time when you can think more fully about your own needs whereas previously you may have put yourself far down the list below the needs of your family.

Something that is also interesting and food for thought is that according to Ayurveda the hormonal fluctuations that occur during the Peri-Menopause (the years leading up to Menopause when changes start to occur) will be more pronounced if there are underlying physiological imbalances that are already present 

Whether that is the case for everyone going through the Menopause or not, it is definitely a time to take stock of how you look after and nourish your body, mind and soul.

A Holistic Doctor can certainly help you to make sense of what you’re experiencing from a physical, mental or emotional perspective. We combine our expertise and experience in conventional, holistic and lifestyle medicine to help you navigate your Menopause and find the right approaches for you if your health and wellbeing is out of alignment. Do get in touch if you’d like to talk to someone in our team.