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Focus on Men’s Health
As we near the end of November, which is men’s health month, we focused our monthly free webinar last night on raising awareness of men’s health with a special spotlight on the prostate. Led by Dr Asim Vine of our Integrative Doctors and also a GP, we learnt first of all why it’s important that we talk about men’s health and also how an integrative approach can be helpful.
The Importance of Connection During Self Care Week
The Importance of Connection During Self-Care Week It's self-care week, so as we approach Christmas, which can become an overwhelming time of year for many, I wanted to offer some advice on what self-care means and how it can be realistically incorporated into our...
Prescribing Wellness: Lifestyle Medicine by GP’s
Social prescribing link workers and health coaches are key to helping drive sustainable lifestyle medicine within busy GP surgeries, with educational workshops on healthy habits to empower patients to take more proactive roles in their health. Just think, with these additions, GPs could not only more effectively treat conditions like diabetes, heart disease, and obesity but actually prevent them.
Intermittent Fasting: The Ultimate Hack to Longevity
Intermittent fasting is a method I often recommend to patients for a variety of reasons – often from the perspective of disease prevention but it has also been shown to help reverse some chronic diseases.
Integrative Approaches to Chronic Pain
Between one third and one half of the UK population are affected by chronic pain. This weeks blog is a breakdown of our most recent integrative health forum on integrative approaches to chronic pain featuring expert speakers on chronic pain, Dr Deepak Ravindran, Dr Sarah Monz, Dr Nikki Chatfield, Izabella Natrins and Bobby Sira.
Powering Change: How the Third Sector is Shaping a Better Future
The “third sector” of medicine represents a crucial component of our healthcare system here in the UK. But what exactly is the third sector and why is it so vital to the NHS?
The True Cost of Ultra-Processed Foods
The True Cost of Ultra-Processed Foods There has been even more in the press recently about ultra-processed foods (UPF’s), with people in healthcare having conflicting opinions on how harmful they are for us. Given my love of food and nutrition and of course...
Menopause Awareness Month
It’s Menopause Awareness Month, celebrated every October, and as a passionate advocate for supporting women’s health and a voice for taking a more natural approach to the transition of menopause I wanted to speak this week about some evidence based effective complementary or alternatives to conventional treatments.
The Silent Epidemic of Chronic Pain
The Silent Epidemic of Chronic Pain Pain is the most common reason that people attend their GP and affects 1 in 4 people - approximately 28 million people in the UK. By definition chronic pain is a persistent condition which lasts more than three months. It can be...
Optimum Health in Later Life
Optimum Health in Later Life ‘We experienced a lot of inter-generational learning and teaching, a really unique experience’ ‘Very relevant as we’ll be treating older patients in the future’ ‘There may be other ways of treating people in addition to the traditional...
Nature Connection: Better than Medication
In light of the need for a new wellness model that underpins healthcare and connects people to activities rather than pharmaceuticals it was great to see this report in the guardian about the outcomes from an NHS test pilot for Green Social Prescriptions
The Glucose Goddess
Using my continuous glucose monitor I have been looking at softening my glucose spikes with all the hacks that the Glucose Goddess offers including a salad and vinaigrette to start a meal and exercising after a meal, but there is so much more that I can make use of to help with metabolic syndrome.