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Brain Health Blog Website April 2021
Top Tips on Brain Health Hi everyone! Apologies that it has been a while since I gave a CEO update but as we move out of lockdown and with our new team in place, I hope that this could be the start of a more regular blog. We're really excited that this month we're...
New Recipe! Kale and Fig Salad
Kale is one of the most nutrient-dense foods you can eat - it is up there as one of the top superfoods! It contains the following in approx 70 grams (DV = Daily Value): Vitamin A: 206% of the DV (from beta-carotene) Vitamin K: 684% of the DV Vitamin C: 134% of the...
Water Kefir
NCIM have teamed up with Freshly Fermented to help us support our gut health moving into winter. Check out our water kefir recipe which makes a very low-sugar, sparkling drink, bursting with probiotics - a great alternative to the sugar and sweetener-laden soft...
Support Your Gut Health
Support Your Gut HealthHave a look at our new Recipe Cards, put together by our new Nutrition for Wellbeing Lead Saba James – all about supporting our gut health and immunity – so important in current times and as we move into the cooler weather!Do let us know via...
Update from our CEO, Dr Elizabeth Thompson
The latest on COVID, webinars, courses, workshops and more!
Integrative Healthcare Forum Review!
Read these three reviews of our Integrative Healthcare Forum – from a doctor’s, a CAM practitioner’s and medical student’s perspective!
Lockdown Recipe Ideas!
One of the NCIM Team’s favourite recipes from our Food for Wellbeing course!
Dr T’s Turmeric Dressing
Dr T’s Turmeric Dressing – In terms of building personal resilience it is important to keep moving and exercising even if we are self-isolating…
Dr T’s Butternut Squash Soup
A delicious recipe for Dr T’s Butternut Squash Soup with the following introduction:
BUILDING RESILIENCE through this time of the COVID-19 Pandemic
We realise times are tough at the moment and with the current lockdown many of you are asking about what you can do to self-care at this time?
Food for Wellbeing
Boost your knowledge of good nutrition and learn how to make positive food choices to support your health and wellbeing.
Wellbeing at Work
Wellbeing at Work - building a happier and healthier worplace! NCIM can design a bespoke workshop for your team to help empower colleagues to take a more proactice role in their own health and wellbeing NCIM workshops are designed specifically for the needs of your...