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Building Resilience to Manage Symptoms of COVID

Building Resilience to Manage Symptoms of COVID

As numbers of COVID 19 infections pick up again and winter viruses, including the flu’ are expected to circulate quite widely the next few months may continue to be challenging for many people.As well as the opportunities the vaccines offer us to manage the pandemic or flu’, many of you are wondering how you can improve self-care and optimise immune function.What we see now is that most people contracting COVID-19 experience mild to moderate symptoms. However, for some the illness is more virulent and the guidelines around handwashing, self-isolating and shielding when needed should remain in place.By drawing on an Integrative Medicine Model, which uses conventional, as well as lifestyle and holistic approaches, you can also take proactive steps to build your personal resilience to support your health and immunity.

The Art of Letting Go

The Art of Letting Go

How you view the world and the stories you tell yourself are a major factor in your mental wellbeing. Letting go of any stories that no longer serve you – beliefs, memories, expectations, identity – frees you to
create new ones in the present moment and in your future. When you can declutter your mind your decision making becomes easier and you start to feel more in control of your life.

Moving into Autumn – the Wisdom of TCM

Moving into Autumn – the Wisdom of TCM

Moving into Autumn - the Wisdom of TCMJust as the natural world makes changes, so too should we! Like all seasonal shifts, we are in the midst of a time of transformation. It deserves taking time for reflections about what changes need...

Functional Practitioners – Wellbeing Detectorists

Functional Practitioners – Wellbeing Detectorists

Understanding functional medicine within the Integrative Medicine model…All modalities within Integrative Medicine look at what and how of ill-health. Functional medicine also looks at the WHY…
Functional practitioners use the analogy of a tree when it comes to health. For the tree to flourish and be healthy the roots and the soil need to be supported. And when the tree isn’t healthy, you look for answers in the roots and soil. Diet and lifestyle can be compared to the roots and the systems of the body are the branches. The functional medicine tree acknowledges the interconnectedness of all inner body functions. The functional practitioner is looking for clues and explores the clinical imbalances that give rise to symptoms. They then look into the root causes, i.e. environmental factors, lifestyle and genetic trends that are affecting wellbeing.

H2O is the way to go!

H2O is the way to go!

Water – the elixir of life! We all know how relaxing or invigorating water feels on our bodies – a nice warm bath or a dip in the sea to cool off. Even being physically near to water and hearing it swirl or gently ripple soothes our brains. The real challenge we humans have is drinking enough of it. Life can just get in the way and you easily forget to drink if you’re juggling a million and one jobs at work or at home. Drinking enough water is vital for your health and wellbeing. By the time you feel thirsty, you’re already somewhat dehydrated and this can affect all sorts of functions in the body and the brain.

Human and Planetary Health

Human and Planetary Health

Both human and planetary health are highly complex and adaptive systems. Integrative Healthcare offers a lens through which we can understand a meaningful connection between the two that includes, but goes beyond, the impact of climate change on our health or the impact of big pharma and conventional healthcare systems on the environment.

Five Day Fast

Five Day Fast

Dr. Elizabeth Thompson tries the five day fasting mimicking diet developed by Professor Valter Longo (https://www.valterlongo.com). His evolution of twenty years of research into fasting and longevity is fascinating, and his specially designed five-day fast for people who can’t normally fast was something Dr. Thompson wanted to explore, both in a professional as well as personal capacity.

Move your body to feel good

Move your body to feel good

Move your body to feel greatLet's talk about movement I know that even hearing the word ‘exercise’ can sometimes feel overwhelming, something we know we ‘should’ be doing but don't always have the energy for. At the end of a long day,...

Do You Know How to Breathe?

Do You Know How to Breathe?

Do You Know How to Breathe?‘Knowing’ how to breathe might seem obvious! Breathing is something we humans do on average 25,000 times a day and for the most part without any conscious effort. But just because it’s an involuntary function,...

Winter Boost Cordial

Winter Boost Cordial

The cold weather is definitely on its way and we’ve been looking at immunity at NCIM. Our November Holistic Doctor Webinar (Keeping Well in Winter*) featured this delicious recipe for a cordial with warming spices and fruits that are packed with anti-oxidants and vitamins. It’s one that will certainly be a boost for your immunity.

Keeping Well in Winter

Keeping Well in Winter

Keeping Well in WinterBy Vicki Powell - Nutrition for Wellbeing Lead Understanding Our Immune System There seems to be a lot of discussion about immunity at the moment particularly in light of the ongoing Covid situation. The first thing to say is that our immune...