
Mistletoe Therapy Clinic

About Mistletoe Therapy

Mistletoe Therapy is a herbal preparation of the Mistletoe plant. NCIM uses preparations manufacturered by Iscador and Abnoba, which are made of fermented aqueous extracts of the freshly harvested white-berried mistletoe grown on different host trees, such as Apple, Oak, Pine, Elm, Fir and Ash.

There is research to show that Mistletoe extract stimulates the group of white cells in the immune system that treatments like radiotherapy and chemotherapy can sometimes lower. These cells are called natural killer cells (NK cells) and the aim of giving this medicine is that the number of NK cells will be increased in your body.

Mistletoe Therapy can be given by mouth as a liquid, or by subcutaneous injection. It is safe to use alongside conventional treatments and reported side effects are low.

Mistletoe Research

In Europe, Viscum album L (mistletoe) is the most commonly used complementary therapy by patients with cancer and is integrated into conventional oncology treatment programmes in Germany, Switzerland and The Netherlands. In recent years it has been the subject of many randomised controlled trials. Although there are some limitations to these studies due to poor design, a relatively consistent finding of these trials was a reduction in the adverse effects of chemotherapy and radiotherapy and/or improvement of quality of life of the patient.  More information about the research can be found here.

For more information about our Mistletoe Therapy Service including costs of treatment, download our
NCIM Mistletoe Therapy Patient Information Leaflet (Jul24)

Who is it for?

Part of an integrative approach to cancer care can include the use of Mistletoe Therapy. It is not a standalone treatment for cancer and is used as a supportive therapy in conjunction with conventional, lifestyle and holistic approaches.

Mistletoe can help stimulate the immune system, improve quality of life, and reduce the side effects of cancer treatments like chemotherapy and radiation therapy.


Appointments can be in-person in our Bristol clinic or online (Zoom) depending on the clinician you see.

A first appointment is 60 minutes and follow-ups are 60 or 30 minutes. A 15-minute telephone appointment is also available for patients at the beginning stages of subcutaneous therapy, to discuss response to treatment.  Please speak to our Clinical Services Administration team to discuss your needs.


Our team

Who can prescribe Mistletoe
Dr Elizabeth Thompson
Dr Roger Smith
Dr Emi Maruo
Dr Asim Vine

Assessments for suitablity of Mistletoe Therapy can also be taken by Kiriaki Marselou (Integrative Pharmacist) after which one of our medical doctors will review and prescribe.

For further information about Mistletoe Therapy please contact our Clinical Services Administration team.