
Integrative Approaches to Mental Health and Wellbeing (IHF)


Integrative Medicine offers a comprehensive and patient-centred approach to mental health. It recognises that mental well-being is interconnected with physical health, emotional balance, and social factors.Integrative Medicine considers the mind-body connection and encourage patients to actively participate in their healing process, fostering a sense of empowerment and connection. Join our CEO and Integrative Medicine Doctor, Dr Elizabeth Thompson, and other experts in mental health as we look at innovations in lifestyle and holistic approaches to support mental health and wellbeing.


Integrative Healthcare Webinar: Integrative Approaches to Mental Health


Join Dr Elizabeth Thompson to talk through Integrative Approaches to Mental Health. She will be sharing highlights from our recent Integrative Healthcare Forum day, where we discussed the mind-body connection, recognising that mental well-being is interconnected with our physical and emotional health, and is influenced by social factors in our lives.


Masterclass: Integrative Approaches to Inflammatory Bowel Disease (Homeopathy)


Don't miss this opportunity to learn from Dr Julie Geraghty as she presents her first Masterclass since 2020! Julie would like to present two cases of Inflammatory Bowel Disease who responded very well to a constitutional homeopathic remedy. In addition to focusing on the choice of remedy, she would also like to highlight integrative medicine approaches that have significantly contributed to wellbeing in these patients.


Integrative Healthcare Webinar: Creating Health – The Power of Language and Imagination


The body is wonderfully designed to heal, to repair and to keep itself in harmony and our mind is pivotal in controlling these processes. Unfortunately, modern stresses and lifestyles frequently do not offer an optimal environment for this to occur, and things can get out of balance resulting in chronic dis-ease. Come and join us for this webinar to explore how language and imagination can be harnessed through visualisation, mindful awareness, and self-hypnosis to help us heal.